We coined the term ultra-high piezoelectricity
We are digging at the atomic length-scale to enable you to covert energies
Can't think of what is of use...
Here are some examples:
<Clean energy production>
Piezoelectricity is one of the least explored energy harvesting. However, it is a potential route to scavenge energy for implantable biomedical devices.
Ghosh, M., Ghosh, S., Attariani, H., Momeni, K., Seibt, M., & Mohan Rao, G. (2016). Atomic defects influenced mechanics of II–VI nanocrystals. Nano letters, 16(10), 5969-5974.
<Fast computing>
Single-electron switches or transistors are future of computing.
Ghosh, M., Ghosh, S., Seibt, M., Rao, K. Y., Peretzki, P., & Rao, G. M. (2016). Ferroelectric origin in one-dimensional undoped ZnO towards high electromechanical response. CrystEngComm, 18(4), 622-630.
<Mechanical sensing>
From mechanoelectrical sensing of biological phenomena to pollution sensing and diagnostics.
Ghosh, M., & Rao, M. G. (2013). Growth mechanism of ZnO nanostructures for ultra-high piezoelectric d 33 coefficient. Materials Express, 3(4), 319-327.
<Precision instrumentation>
Electromechanical actuation with nanometric resolution is key for many fundamental scientific experiments and industrial technologies.
Ghosh, M., Ghosh, S., Seibt, M., Schaap, I. A., Schmidt, C. F., & Rao, G. M. (2016). Designing deoxidation inhibiting encapsulation of metal oxide nanostructures for fluidic and biological applications. Applied Surface Science, 390, 924-928.
<Precision optics>
Quantum wells are widely used for single-photon emission and single-photon detectors in quantum optoelectronics. The modern bright displays uses quantum-dot light emitting diodes aka QLED displays for pure basic colours.
Ghosh, S., Ghosh, M., Seibt, M., & Rao, G. M. (2016). Detection of quantum well induced single degenerate-transition-dipoles in ZnO nanorods. Nanoscale, 8(5), 2632-2638.
Vertically aligned defect engineered ZnO nanorods
Micrometer wide nanometric ZnO flakes grown on surface.